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View Full Version : Putting a little box on top of CSS template

08 Aug 2010, 05:26 AM
Hi there,

I'm not an expert of web design but there's something I've wanted to do for a long time and I just can't seem to figure out how on my own.

I have this website with a separate CSS template (style.css).

Normally, when I want to put something on a website I just use the tool Draw AP Div.
But if I want to add a box on top of the stylesheet file I don't know how. If I use Draw AP Div the new layer will just be added to the main page itself, not the style.css file. And if I try to open the style.css file I can't see the design so I don't know where to put the box.

This is what the site looks like now:

URL: http://epricelist.tk/screenshot1.jpg

...And this is what I'm trying to make it look like:

URL: http://epricelist.tk/screenshot2.jpg

When a viewer zooms the page in the browser the new box needs to stick to the template.

I hope you understand and that you, yes, you could help me out here.

Kind regards


Current URL: http://cli.gs/WrrsrM - ignore the red box, I've tried to solve this on another forum and that was all they could come up with.