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View Full Version : Website pricing.....

09 Aug 2010, 10:10 AM
Hello everyone,

I am in the process of designing a new site and would like some suggestions on pricing.

The site is predominantly in CSS, though I am using some javascript as well. I also have 3 flash elements (2 using dynamic text files), I have setup a shopping cart (zencart) which is being used with paypal. There is also an embedded youtube video (this will be a changed to one the site later).

There are a total of 5 pages.

I have also transferred several domain names, setup email addresses, created a Wikipedia page and re sized some images (original graphics from a graphic designer).

Seen as I have not created a site to this extent before (previously, mostly static pages) I am a little unsure what to charge. I am doing this for a friend but he wants me to quote him as I would with a normal client.

Any ideas (in £ or $) would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance,

12 Aug 2010, 09:52 PM
How many hours do you have in it? Are they all productive hours, or is some of it time you spent learning, for your own benefit? What do you think is a fair hourly wage?

There are many ways to price services, but a reasonable hourly wage is probably fairest. make sure your hourly price includes overhead costs or you will be cheating your self.