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View Full Version : Need help with Web Design and functionality Q's

18 Aug 2010, 05:10 PM
Hi guys,

I'm new to the whole create your own website game. I am though very interested in created a webpage for a business idea of mine. I would like my webpage to have instant messaging capabilities for users. My website needs to have the functionality of giving each user who signs in their own username & password. I would also prefer users to be able to leave a message for another user that he/she can read upon log in. What would be the best place on the web to go to that allows me to input these features into my webpage. If there is even a site that allows that? Do you recommend GoDaddy.com to purchase the domain and host at?

I'm knowledgable about many applications on the internet, but creating a web site is over my head. Any and all help is very appreciated! Thank you!