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23 Aug 2010, 03:22 PM

I m new in the world of web development.Having some knowledge of HTML,CSS Photoshop.
but not know the standards used in web development.Your guidance will be appreciated.

I want to know, how a design of Photoshop used in the development of web page.wt is the best approach,wt i used to do is:

I make slices of the Photoshop design and used that slices (images) in HTML tags,i.e set that images as background of the HTML tags.Is it the right approach?

Do anybody suggest/tell me the other approaches to develop a static web page.
waiting for your precious response.


23 Aug 2010, 05:10 PM
I design in photoshop then handcode the site in a code editor. I dont slice it up but I do take images like banners from the design. I position them all by hand using CSS. Pretty much hand built