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View Full Version : Embeding images with a script

27 Aug 2010, 10:29 AM
Hi there. I have a travel related site and have a page with webcam images of various parts of the island of Madeira. The images are courtesy of a cable provider here on the island. They where using a script, that we embeded on our site and we could show the images.

Lately they changed the script and now the images won´t show up. The script they offer, can be found on this page: http://www.netmadeira.com/webcams-madeira-for-webmasters. I have tried using this script but does not work. My website page is:http://www.madeira-seekers.com/MadeiraWebcam.html .

I have traced the source of the images and have tried linking directly to the source but every time the cameras renew the image you loose the image. There is a site however that has managed to keep the images even when they renew. I was wondering if anyone could figure out how they did that. The site is http://www.forum-madeira.de/webcams.php