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View Full Version : Making YouTube controls like Vimeo's?

02 Sep 2010, 01:56 PM
Hi. I registered on this site (and many others, in search of an answer!) just to ask this question!:p. I have a blog that I'd like to apply this to:
Is it possible to embed a YouTube video in such a way that the player controls act similar to how Vimeo's player controls act? That is,
- The player controls fade away after you've hit play
- The player controls fade in (reappear when you scroll your mouse on the video
- The player controls then continue to fade in (appear) and fade out ('disappear') depending on when
you scroll on or off of the video with your cursor.
I'm asking because I love the way Vimeo's player controls are, but prefer using YouTube. Thanks for any replies! And I apologize if I've put this in the wrong section. I wasn't sure where to put it.