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View Full Version : My website, help please!

07 Sep 2010, 11:29 AM
Hi everyone!

Hopefully I've placed this thread in the right forum and don't break any rules on my first post!

Without trying to bore you, a quick bit of history, basically my in-laws have needed a web re-design since their company started (it really is poor) and I've offered to do that for them.

I've no previous web design experience, but can find my way around html and photoshop - which is exactly what I've used to design this website; Photoshop and Wordpad.

However, after thinking things were going quite well for my first design - I've encountered a problem using Internet Explorer. I use Firefox and it displays fine, but upon using IE, which I'm assuming a lot of people still use, the images seem to be all over the place.

I've tried to read a few websites, but it looks like whatever I'm typing into google isn't working, so I come begging for help!!

Around the buttons on my website, I use a rollover javascript, and below I have a sample of the code around said buttons. Should I be adding more code for IE?

Anyway, my code around the images is:

<a href="images/special_offers.jpg" alt="Special Offers" target="I1"><IMG border="0" SRC="images/index_38.jpg" WIDTH=159 hsrc="images/index_38on.jpg" HEIGHT=29 ALT=""></a></TD>

Anyway, my test website can be found at http://philservetest.webfreehosting.net/main.html

Hopefully someone can help me because I have absolutely no idea what to do to have it display properly in IE, save for another re-design!

Thanks for reading,
