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View Full Version : Love this code, don't know how to customize it

15 Sep 2010, 12:57 PM
Apple TV uses this very simple rotating image, shown here:


I am working on a website (pro-bono). I used a Flash Script + XML. all images are referenced externally. I want to move away from flash. I want to repeat what was done on Apple TV, but do the following

I just want one image area to change (apple tv has these two side cut off images i don't care about changing)
I want to control the timing of each transition, all could be the same duration or some more important slides could stay on longer
i like the hover over left and right buttons, but i would rather have them directly on the one main image and not offset (i do like how they are invisible until you hover over)
I want to have each image link. some slide images i want to use will be specials/promotions, and will have something say "click here for more info"

To reference what I want done in the same image rotation layout, here is my flash version: