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View Full Version : multiple questions on a new web site

17 Sep 2010, 08:06 PM

Im trying to make a new website for my silk screen business and have run into some problems. First off i am using all adobe cs5 programs (Dreamweaver, Photoshop, fireworks, ect.) and am currently hosted with go daddy. i am trying to get 2 issues solved on my site (http://sjspecialties.com).

First i have a facebook like button on the main page that wont get placed in the same spot consistently. i would like it to stay aligned to the right bottom of the screen as the user scrolls (ex here (http://fhhsmb.org) with the twitter logo in the bottom left.) how could i go about doing this. im assuming CSS is needed but not sure what.

second on this page (http://sjspecialties.com/Products/Tshirts/Gildan/colorcharts/2000.html) i have embedded a color chart for one of my products, in Firefox it will view fine and how i would like it to but in IE i get an error that it could not display embedded data. How can i fix this?

Third, this is more of a what would it take type thing more so than an issue. i was think of putting a quote form up on the webpage that a person could fill out and it would get sent to me with the info. how would i go about it/how much work would this be? also i have a file transfer system/ftp system set up for artwork. is there a way i could possibly let the person upload a picture to that for me as well. again, how much work would this be?

sorry for the very long winded first post but i hope you understand my issues.

if you need me to post my css/js i would be more than happy to.

thanks in advance
