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21 Sep 2010, 02:37 PM
Hello people of webdevforums, my name is Alex, 15.

This is my very first post in this forum, and i'm not entirely sure if this is the right place to post this... but I already got started so I might as well post this... Let's begin. :idea:

About me:
Born in the Philippines and moved to London at aged 8. Now aged 15 and last year in secondary school / high school (in american :)). I like watching animes, going out with friends, dancing (c-walking), and alot more things... Well if you want to know about me, feel free to ask. :nana:

My aim is quiet simple, to build a website similar to:


I know for a fact that that the majority of people here actually watch, or even know anything about animes. However I'm not here to ask you about them, but question you on how to make such a website.

I'm thinking most of you here are thinking "Let's see... his a 15 year old teen, who wants to build a large project like AnimeFreak? Ha. Okay..." I'm not an arragont person who just ask people questions before knowing anything about it. So, during my spare time I studied HTML & CSS (90%), JavaScript (10%), Photoshop, Flash, PhP (0% :mad:) and put what I learned into practice (using Dreamweaver nd notepad ++ :laugh:). Ya... Nerdy right? Well... you know what they say. "Knownledge is power."

So, without further-a-do. I will now ask my questions (It will be a long list... so try to stay awake, and answer as many as you can. :dodgy:):

1.) What programming language do you need to create a some sort of search engine, e.g. http://www.animedreaming.tv/ (top right) How do you make it? Any software needed?

2.) How do you add a feature which visitors can add comments and rate? e.g
http://www.animecrazy.net/naruto-shippuuden-episode-178/ (scroll down)

2i.) How to add a feature which shows how many visitors viewed the video?

3.) In addition to letting visitors add comments, How do I let them add mirrors? e.g. http://www.animecrazy.net/naruto-shippuuden-episode-178/ (scroll down)

4.) When making a large website such as the websites listed above, is there any kind of contract when building a large website? (I'm not good, with the law side of things... [whatever you call it]).

4i.) Related to question 4, any Rules you should be following, or Laws you shouldn't be breaking when having a website?

5.) As shown Here (http://www.animedreaming.tv/highschool-of-the-dead-episode-12/), How do you make the picture appear before the video plays?

6.) How do you add the feature similar to AnimeDreaming, 'Cinema Off / Cinema On'? (it is shown on the right of the anime title).

7.) When a new visitor is registering, is there any way I can use his/her information to also register for chattango [using the same user name and password] (if the user agrees)? Is it even possible?

After 30min of thinking and typing what to say I have finally finished. I'm sorry if there are any spelling mistakes or grammar errors. And truly sorry about the questions being a mess and long.

Thank you very much. I really appreciate reading my post and trying to answer as much. Love you all. :kiss:

Any questions you want to ask privately... I think you can private message me... Bye. :teleport: