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View Full Version : Questions about setting up website.

21 Sep 2010, 09:48 PM
Hello, I am new here. I have once designed some webpages before as my hobby. However, I lost touch with the changing technology in the web development for so many years. So now I need your help with my questions. I have been programming NI LabView for 5 years. I have created a labview program that can to make connections to mySQL, query and display the result. However it is not feasible to use it as it is cumbersome to install labview run-time-engine in every PC for my colleagues to use it. I am thinking of webpages as every PC has browser. I have already installed PHP and apache for building and testing. But I am not sure how the coding should be because I would like the webpage to look like the page on the labview. Here are my questions below:
1) on the same page there are 2 areas. In the top area there are 2 listboxes that each would me to select databases and test for selected database. Whatever is selected, will update the changes in two tabs in the bottom area.
2) In the bottom area, there are 2 tabs that each worked differently.
3) When I choose the particular item in the first tab, there should be updates in the second tab.

So what advices would you have for me, concerning my questions?
2 framesets would be the wiser choice for top and bottom areas? Will the server-side scripting work?