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View Full Version : MySQL/PHP Multiple Auto-increment (should not be multiple!)

22 Sep 2010, 09:31 PM
I have never used the INSERT or UPDATE commands in MySQL until now. So needless to say, I am writing this post because I am having a problem.

I am calling the following function only once on certain pages:


and that function is defined as:

function addPlay($gid){
$quickcheck = "SELECT GamesPlayed FROM gamestoday WHERE Date = CURDATE() AND gId=$gid";
if(@mysql_num_rows(mysql_query($quickcheck)) == 0){
@mysql_query("INSERT INTO gamestoday VALUES (CURDATE(),0,$gid)");
$update2 = "UPDATE gamestoday SET GamesPlayed=GamesPlayed+1 WHERE Date = CURDATE() AND gId=$gid";



I believe if this function is called only once that the Auto-Increment in $update2 should increase GamesPlayed only once for a given date and "gId", correct? I am seeing behavior where if I load a page once (and I'm sure I'm the only one loading it at that instant) GamesPlayed will increment anywhere between 1 and 4. So if I'm at GamesPlayed=5 and I load a given page the GamesPlayed for that page could be anywhere between 6 and 9. What gives? Am I doing something wrong in my code or overlooking something else?
