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View Full Version : Web project ideas/help (College)

04 Oct 2010, 10:28 AM

I've been studying at college for about 2 years now, I've taken some programming classes (C, Java, some assembly, etc..) and a few web programming classes. I'm currently taking a web programming course to better understand scripting languages (client/server side) and how to interact with databases. I've looked at languages such as PHP and JS, also worked a little with mysql to better understand it and it's been good so far.

Anyway, this year i have to work on an "Innovation Project" and i have time until the end of this year. I decided that my project will be a web programming project (since i really want to learn it), and i had a few ideas: An image board, a "yahoo answers!" like site, or maybe a simple blog.

All those ideas sound great, but since i don't have any prior web development experience (even though i've done a few very basic scripts and do understand how "it all works") i was wondering how complex these ideas are for me? I am willing to spend all year studying, but i don't want to start working on something i can't finish and end up wasting a year.

So I'd like some advice from you guys on what would be a simple enough (not too simple) project that i could work on? I already have a server ready (debian lenny) with mysql installed so hosting is no problem.

I'm guessing i'll be needing PHP to interact with the database, and JS/jquery for eye candy. I downloaded a few open source project (blog, auctoning system) and there were a lot of php scripts in different folders and i thought to myself "Do i even have enough time to accomplish something similar to this?"

And that's my first post here, thanks for reading!