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View Full Version : Tabulation with html/css or mixing lists with tables?

04 Oct 2010, 02:39 PM

I'm trying to help my friends in a band, to recreate their old abandoned web page. The original was made in the old days when tables-for-layout was still a quite accepted method. They want to be able to edit the pages in a CMS, so the HTML code should probably be pretty simple.

Anyway, one of the pages, with sound samples, look something like this:

* Song number one - Traditional Buy
* Song two - Lennon/McCarthney our
* Song three - Hendrix CD!!

You get the idea. I wrapped it in code tags, in hopes it would show up with monospace fonts. The asterix' are actually bullet points, which the original designer inserted using an ugly code 'ampersand-hash-8226;'. As you can see, it resembles a table, but it is also a list with bullet points. Is there a currently-accepted way to do this in HTML? It's somehow a table, so I guess using html tables is OK, though I think most people would see it as a list, with one tab stop set for the song writer, and one set for the "buy our cd" part.

Is it possible to mix html table and list markup, or should I perhaps use tables and insert the bullet points manually somehow? Perhaps make an image of a bullet point, and using it as a background-image in the left table cells? What do you think?

04 Oct 2010, 03:38 PM
OK! Turns out the solution was pretty simple. The following code...

td.songlist_left {

...did the trick!! Now I can just use a table, and all I have to do is make sure they apply the class "songlist_left" to each table cell in the left column. I better try a little harder before I ask you a question the next time...