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View Full Version : fontjazz

15 Oct 2010, 11:20 AM
So I got turned onto this by another forum fontjazz (http://www.fontjazz.com)

fontjazz is supposed to magically take a downloaded font of yours and make it so you can replace your headlines...or any text...to be the font you have.

I wanted to make the menu options on my sidebar the same font I used to make my logo. without having to make them all images.

Well I cant get it to work. I checked where everything is pointing. I checked all the directions it gave me, and for some reason no change. Maybe its because I'm controlling the font based of div in the CSS, and not using <h1> and stuff.

Just wanted to know if anyone has ever used this with success and if so would love to try and troubleshoot why it wont work for me.