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View Full Version : Any experience with xsitepro2?

18 Oct 2010, 10:40 AM
I am no expert in this field at all. I have an alarm company selling home security systems. My whole goal in building a website is to rank in SEO. I am quite aware that its much harder than it sounds. My company is most likely going to hire an IT tech with some experience in web development and hopefully SEO. So the guy actually building the site will hopefully have much more experience in doing so than myself.

So where I am at is needing to buy a web builder program. I used homestead in the past, and it was very easy, but at the same time, it got me know results in search engines. When people who know more than I looked at it, they said the coding and navigation of the site were garbage, and the search engines wont like it, they were right. So I want to get a better web builder now and definitely build for SEO purposes. Everytime I search for a good web builder this xsitepro comes up, and the testimonials on there site look great for what I want, but those can be misleading.

So basically I want some opinions on that software, and if you think that software wont help me, which route should I go in. My company can afford to do things right, but at the same time we are looking for the most cost effective way to reach our goals.

Any opinions or advice would be appreciated.

and btw we will be selling home security systems, and this product is quite competitive in both PPC and organic search, so I definitely want to be able to somewhat compete with some of the bigger companies.

18 Oct 2010, 11:20 PM
Rule #1 for Seo, don't rely on a web builder program to create your website. Either it will give an excess of troublesome code or not give enough code.

If you don't know anything about web design and expecting to get a high ranking Seo site in the search engines then go with a wordpress blog setup and make sure there is a sitemap, robot txt, and meta tags linked to it.

Another great cms is drupal, a bit difficult to grasp in the beginning but if setup properly can be an seo powerhouse. Don't forget download size, google started calculating this into their algorithm so make sure the site is optimized correctly for visitors and search engines.