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View Full Version : Website Mess in IE

21 Oct 2010, 06:59 AM
I've been working on a website for the company I work for. It's been an absolute trial getting it compatible with IE. Despite trying to remain within cross-browser standards I've come across a number of problems with my current website, link below;


Among the problems are;

1. Navigating away from the home page makes it incapable of being navigated back to. Right now you can't even test this, but what it's been doing in WE whilst previewing it, if you click on a link to another page then the Home link won't link back to the home page. Even setting the text in the page to a hyperlink doesn't work. IE seems to open up a new tab and close the old one whilst doing this, so that might have something to do with it

2. The navigation menu doesn't show up. If you load the page in something like Chrome you'll see what it's supposed to look like

3. There's a javascript run gallery that doesn't appear at all. You can see the remnants of it on the page still. Loading into another non-IE browser and you'll see what it's meant to be like

Considering we're meant to be making this website compatible wherever possible, getting it to work properly in IE is a major issue. Any help would be greatly appreciated.