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View Full Version : creating links by grabbing info

27 Oct 2010, 11:52 AM
I don't really know if this is possible...but my boss has asked me to give it a try... well let me start from the beginning.

I am creating a website for our real estate company. We utilize a program that allows our clients to search for homes using the MLS system(what realtors use). The way the program works is you embed a search of some sort on your webpage. which I have done. The results of your search are then displayed by being placed in a section on a page, which the programs company, creates a wrapper based off your website. I created a page for them to use as the wrapper to make this easier on them. The program uses this same wrapper for every results page encountered.

Now we do realty in many cities here in florida, and we want to make the results wrapper a little more personalized. What my boss has asked me to do is create links on the right side that will allow for clients to further break down the search results.

For example: I search for single family homes in "sarasota" county. It will bring up a results page. We want the links on the right to be

"homes under $250,000
homes under $500,000
homes under $750,000"

Now the problem is how to build the link that it will go to.

so searching for "sarasota" you get this link

"http://www.searchlikeyourbroker.idxco.com/idx/7458/results.php?stp=advanced&pt=sfr&idxID=194&sfrType[]=Single Family Home&city[]=41535&ba=0&srt=DESC&start=0&per=10"

"city[]=41535" is the city code which tells the program to search everything in "sarasota".

now lets say i was to search everything under $250,000. I would get this link

"http://www.searchlikeyourbroker.idxco.com/idx/7458/results.php?stp=advanced&pt=sfr&idxID=194&sfrType[]=Single Family Home&city[]=41535&hp=250000&ba=0&srt=DESC&start=0&per=10"

her you see they added "hp=250000 which says the high price is $250,000.

So what I want is the link that would be for under $250,000 to somehow know what city you previously searched and insert it into the link.

I don't know if this will be extremely complicated and involve a bunch of script or it might be simple html. but any help would be really appreciated.

27 Oct 2010, 12:10 PM
the only reason I believe this could be done without to much trouble is that the program obviously had a value assigned to the city chosen and inserts it in the results page. Shouldn't I be able to utilize that value and be able to insert it into my link as well?