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28 Oct 2010, 03:06 PM
Hey all,

My plan is to make a webpage full of images of 10x10 pixels next to each other.
These images should randomly be either WHITE (2 of the 3 images in the "random" map), or BLACK (1 image).
I want those images right next to and right under each other (so IFRAMES and the like is not a solution) - the goal is to generate a random pattern of black 10x10 pixel images....

I suppose this should be rather easy to script for those who are no JS-virgins like me, however, i can't find any script on the net that does the random image trick for MORE THAN 1 IMAGE ON 1 PAGE.

I hope you guys can help me out! I'm getting kind of desperate.

Thanks !

29 Oct 2010, 06:39 AM
I don't know about JS (not really my thing), but it can be done using PHP. If you really need to use JS, you may be able to re-engineer my code.

* An image model.
* Filename: Image.php
class Image

private $_filename;
private $_alt;

public function __construct($filename, $alt = null)
$this->_filename = $filename;

if ($alt != null) {
$this->_alt = $alt;

public function getFilename()
return $this->_filename;

public function setFilename($filename)
$this->_filename = (string) $filename;

public function getAlt()
return $this->_alt;

public function setAlt($alt)
$this->_alt = (string) $alt;


* Stores a list of Image types.
* Filename: ImageList.php
class ImageList

private $_images = array();

* Populate the image list with some images (also verifies their type).
public function __construct(array $images = null)
if ($images != null) {
try {
foreach ($images as $image) {
} catch (Exception $e) {
exit('Error in class \'' . __CLASS__ . '\':' . $e->getMessage());

$this->_images = $images;

* Verifies that the given object is of type Image (using PHP's built-in type hinting).
private function _typeCheckImage(Image $image)
return $image;

* @return Image a random image.
public function getRandomImage()
if (!$this->isEmpty()) {
return $this->_images[rand[0, $this->size() - 1]);

return null;

public function isEmpty()
if ($this->size() > 0) {
return false;

return true;

public function size()
return count($this->_images);


* Application code
* Filename: test.phtml

// Create an array with Image objects
$images = array(
new Image('image1.png'),
new Image('image2.png'),
new Image('image3.png'),
new Image('image4.png')

$list = new ImageList($images);

// The number of images to generate
$count = 10;

while ($count > 0) {
$image = $list->getRandomImage();

if ($image != null) {
echo '<img src="/images/' . $image->getFilename() . '"';

if ($image->getAlt() != null) {
echo ' alt="' . $image->getAlt() . '"';

echo ' />' . "\n";

$count -= 1;
} else {
// End the loop
$count = 0;

You should create a grid object and populate that with the images. Also, if you're worried about speed, feel free to use an object cache. :) (I wrote this code without testing or demoing it, so there may be some small issues with it.)

Feel free to pm me or reply if you want more details.