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View Full Version : Height questions

09 Nov 2010, 10:37 PM
Ok guys I'm back for another round of simple questions. So i use strict height/widths for most of my designs which has backed me into a bit of a corner at this exact moment. Alright so basically my deal is this. The design i have setup my content div MUST be at least 600px in order for it to look good but i do want to add more content to a few pages outside of that limit. I did try using min-height instead of normal height tags in my design but it seems that IE simply ignores that tag. It could have something to do with the fact that it is a floating div but I'm not an expert.

Id like to point out that this page is not for publishing but simply a project I'm working on to expand my knowledge of web design.

As always any help is appreciate.

10 Nov 2010, 12:59 AM
IE7 does process min-height but IE6 does not, so you may need to use a conditional comment with a fixed height for IE6.

You have a height for #container 800px which should be unnecessary as the divs inside will create its height if #header and #main have a height or min-height.

You have used height:610px three times, for #main and floated divs #nav and #body #inside #main. I changed these three to min-height: 810px and then 310px as a test and deleted height: 800px in #container and the page still looked OK but longer or shorter. So for IE6 you need a conditional comment with a safe height for all three just in case someone increases text size, and remember that different browsers use a different height for a block of text even with the same font-size due to other default sizes like character spacing.

You have this <p class="firstNavHr"></p> inside a <ul> tag which is not allowed. After deleting this or moving it outside the list, your page validates.