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View Full Version : Multiple Form with formmail?

11 Nov 2010, 08:09 AM
I'm looking for a way to have a tabbed interface that brings you to seperate forms, and when submitted, all form data is sent to one email address..is this possible? any scripts out there that can do this already?

thanks a ton..any advice appreciated

11 Nov 2010, 10:50 AM
the tabs should not be very hard to make unless you don't know how to program.

If you want all of the information to go to the same email you could

a. put all the tabs on the same page and change the content with javascript when a user clicks on one then the content will switch z-order or something like that.

b. Make each tab a separate link and append the input from each tab into a text file, once the user has submitted his input from the last tab then send the text file and delete it from your server.