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View Full Version : Landing pages for PPC campaigns – how to create them

19 Nov 2010, 10:02 AM
Landing pages are the factor to increase the conversion rate and make a PPC campaign more effective.
The success and failure of a PPC Campaign depends completely on the success and failure of Landing pages. Here are a few tips to be implemented to make better landing pages for a PPC Campaign.
1. Create a Headline to grab the attention: –The headline should correspond with the needs of your user
The headline should be obvious and first to be absorbed from rest of the page.
2. Landing page relevant to the msg of the ads: - containing similar title, description and keywords to the ad copy.
Apart from that you can create separate pages for each offer. The traffic generated from PPC comes from the interest in a specific thing, if they don’t find info about the same thing, they would go away.
3. Unique and Useful Content: – The landing page should have content that answers the questions of the customers and tell them about the product. Information on the landing page should be with the shape a funnel. The conclusion and most important point should be on the pick and less common info stays at the bottom.
4. Obvious Call to Action Link: – The call to action link like “Click Here” or “Buy Now” should easily visible so that he does not scroll or search even for it
5. Images are at least 60% more i***uensive than words – use them to describe your product and message
6. Save them Navigation: - First time user does not need navigational links which can distract his mind. You can control the content on your landing pages which you want your users to see at a particular moment and take the right decision.
7. Create more then one landing page for the same offer to compare results.