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View Full Version : What do you think Sicial media is?

19 Nov 2010, 10:11 AM
I recently occurred on the following definition of social media:

"...Personally, I would define social media as an attempt to connect with a niche portion of the population, which utilizes digital channels of communication. These individuals were formally unavailable and couldn’t have been harnessed through traditional marketing avenues.
This day and age, it has become increasingly important to reach out to these individuals, especially in light of the expansion of social networking. Social platforms now grant businesses the ability to accomplish this with ease. By establishing more transparency and openness, companies can ultimately harness potential customers that were previously unattainable..."

I personally disagree with the part that it is a tool to attempt an unapproachable by the other medias niche of consumers. For me Social Media is a way to broaden marketing "in light of the expansion of social networking" . Consumers also like it because they are taken good personal care of, by communication and the chance to form societies

What do you think?

22 Nov 2010, 01:21 AM
I agree with your terminology, Social Media nowadays is a huge field to make a marketing