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View Full Version : removing an entry splash screen from existing site

21 Nov 2010, 12:17 PM
Hi all. I am a newbie. Taught dreamweaver in college. Created a couple of sites in Frontpage and one in zen cart.

Currently editing a site created by someone else I believe from a template with a lot of flash content. I need to remove the entry splash screen which appears to be a swf file. Is it just a case of deleting the file from the server. I cannot post the url as I understand being a newbie it will be deleted. The home page is called home.html I am guessing I need to rename it to index.html but not sure as it's been a long while since I have done any web work If I do rename that page it's going to screw up all the other pages which link back to it though, that is why I am just hoping that I can delete the swf file. Currently in a brain fog and just cannot work it out.

Many thanks in advance for any help.

I am trying to help others as much as i can but nobody is answering my posts:confused:

21 Nov 2010, 12:37 PM
First, thank you for reading the rules before posting ... something most people don't bother to do.

The default page for a server is set in a config file. Usually it's index.html (or another suffix such as htm, php), but an be set as default.html or home.html or anything else desired. In your case index.html is probably the default and home.html is being used as the real home page. If you want people to just see the home.html page in that directory as the default page and not have to worry about all the other site links, then adding a .htaccess file to the directory with a redirect from the index page to the home page would be the easiest way to do it. Do a Google search for [/i].htaccess redirect[/i] and you'll find the instructions for doing this.