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View Full Version : Please help me on this one - much appreciated !

21 Nov 2010, 10:22 PM

I am a newbie and not sure this post belongs here... So let me know if I need to move it, thanks.

I am trying to create a web-based hotel booking portal. It's not clear yet whether it will be like expedia, hotwire or a combination of both. As I have no web design/dev skills, I will need either to hire or team up with a CTO. Regardless of which option I go with, I thought it would be better to have some understanding and not be completely clueless as to the technical part before doing so and negotiating with hoteliers. So I am armed with Google and trying to educate myself.

As an experience, I thought maybe with some research I could put together a site myself. I would buy a hotel booking site template for $50 or so and have its graphics redesigned and would combine it with a booking solution (I found several such as bughotel, joomla hbs or jomres) for the database. I am sure it cannot be that simple. What am I missing ?

The functionality of the site should be really simple : the user would just select the specific hotel (expedia interface) or category of the hotel and neighborhood (hotwire interface), his dates, and go ahead with the booking. I am sure what makes it hard is to have real time availabilities for each hotel.

Thanks for any comment that could shed light on the matter.
