View Full Version : Im a noob! What am i doing wrong here?

30 Nov 2010, 12:32 PM
got your attention?! great! ok i need help i dont know what im doing wrong here, seems to work for everything else but.... in the picture i have attached you can see what im talking about. everything WAS ceneterd fine no problem, they are all tables one under another with different colspans, but when i add the last one under "Property Details" it seems to throw everything out of whack! and everything that was cenetered gets pushed to the left of the screen! what am i doing wrong?


<title>Demo Real Estate Site</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="DRECSS.css"/>


<table align="center">
<td><img src="diazlogo.png"><td><img style="margin:20" src="home.png"><td><img style="margin:20" src="about me.png"><td><img style="margin:20;" src="properties.png"><td><img style="margin:20;" src="sellers.png"><td><img style="margin:20;" src="blog.png"><td><img style="margin:20;" src="contact.png">
<td colspan="7"><img src="Photomain.png">
<td colspan="7"><img src="Price.png">
<td colspan="8">
<td colspan="7">
<td colspan="7">
<td><p style="font-family:Tahoma, Geneva, sans-serif; color:#0CF; font-size:36px">Property Details</p><td colspan="6">
<td colspan="4"><p style="color:#FFF; font-family:Tahoma, Geneva, sans-serif; font-size:14px">Duis malesuada ante viverra lectus porttitor et ullamcorper eros aliquam. Suspendisse eget lacus sit amet neque lobortis malesuada. Nam eget eleifend tortor. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Donec euismod elementum eros, sit amet dapibus sem vehicula sed. Vestibulum nec mauris quis orci suscipit tempus. Fusce porttitor, erat eu commodo fringilla, diam turpis volutpat urna, a facilisis enim nulla vitae tortor. Fusce et cursus risus. Donec aliquet odio eu metus blandit viverra. Nullam lectus arcu, iaculis a viverra a, pharetra vitae purus. Sed iaculis ultrices massa. Pellentesque ultrices, magna ac lobortis lobortis, ipsum lacus facilisis lectus, et scelerisque lectus lorem vitae felis. Vestibulum eu nisi sit amet ligula placerat commodo eu vel quam. Vestibulum eu arcu erat, vitae porta dui. In porta, nibh vitae scelerisque vehicula, nulla elit fringilla libero, sit amet aliquam nibh nulla id tellus. Fusce blandit turpis nec tortor faucibus mollis. Cras est tellus, consequat ut placerat eget, porta vel sapien. Suspendisse eget dolor vehicula risus commodo sodales. Integer metus libero, porttitor a gravida sed, pulvinar a magna. Integer tempus porta arcu a venenatis. Pellentesque porttitor, urna vitae tristique feugiat, metus massa convallis risus, vel sodales odio ante a ligula. Suspendisse mollis dui vel nibh tristique pellentesque. Sed in ipsum magna, sit amet ornare metus. Praesent et laoreet dui. </p>


30 Nov 2010, 11:47 PM
One thing that might be messing with you is that you haven't closed any of your first six <td>'s. And I don't understand why you've got a colspan of "8" instead of "7" in your fourth table row. There aren't 8 <td>'s there to span (even if you close the first six properly), only seven.

And naw, I won't soapbox about using tables for layout. Not today anyway.