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View Full Version : Easiest way have users post on my website and have their post pop up on the home page

11 Dec 2010, 12:13 PM
I've never dealt with server side coding. Please help!

I need to have users post text and have that text then automatically show up on the homepage so that other users can see it. Any advice?

12 Dec 2010, 01:33 PM
I can give you the two most popular ways to do it, even though there are many more:

- the easier and most amateurish way is to use a simple text files to store the posts. Just open the file and put the text in there. The maintenance of something like that and the retrieval of the information can be a nightmare. I don't recommend it.

- therefore the harder but the better way is to put it in a table in a database. To do that you need to know what database you want to use. Judging by the forum you are asking your question, you will probably choose mysql. Then you need to. Establish connection with the database and know SQL to send and retrieve data to and from the database. It's 10 lines of code on average that accomplishes all that, but you also need to have a database and the proper tables created.