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View Full Version : AJAX, JQuery, JSON with api help needed please.

21 Dec 2010, 07:43 AM
Hi, last couple of days i had been search all over the Internet an trying to find the solution. But no use :( so i really need your help here.

I have basic knowledge with ajax and jquery. I am working with api which returns the info back to the browser as a json format. I wrote the code which connects to the api server and get the josn data successfully. But main problem is with the representation of the json data.

I have setup the local environment for the work but as you know firefox doesn't show the info for some security reason. So i use ie8 for testing. In local environment the data represent ok. But when i upload the script into server ie have an error which says access denied? And also firefox have the json object null!

The platform i am using this is wordpress. Hopefully it not causing any problem.

here is the page i used the code: http://citystir.com/shopping/
Here is the code:

in the header:

// jquery code
var ywsid = "nP7LU8_uZABdb7A8U_dukQ";
var url ="http://api.yelp.com/business_review_search?location=chicago&cc=US&limit=4&category=shopping&ywsid="+ywsid;
var dom = "#shopping_reviews";
callYelp(url, dom);

In external js file.

function callYelp(url, domnode){
jQuery.getJSON(url, function(data){
jQuery.each(data.businesses, function(i, data){
printHtml(data, i, domnode);
return false;

function printHtml(data, i, dom){
var review_no = 0;
var html = " ";
html += "<a href="+data.url+" title="+data.name+"alt="+data.name+"><img src="+data.photo_url+" alt="+data.name+"></a>";
html += "<p>Total reviews: "+data.review_count+"<p>";
html += "<img src="+data.rating_img_url+" alt="+data.avg_rating+"/>";
html += "<p>"+data.address1+"</p>";
html += "<p>"+data.address2+"</p>";
html += "<p>"+data.address3+"</p>";
html += "<p>Latest Review: "+data.reviews[review_no].text_excerpt+"</p>";
html += "<p>By <a href="+data.reviews[i].user_url+" title="+data.reviews[review_no].user_name+">"+data.reviews[review_no].user_name+">></a></p>";
html += "<p>Categories:"+get_items(data.categories);+"</p>";

function get_items(items){
var cat = " ";
for (i=0; i <items.length; i++){
cat += "<a href="+items[i].search_url+" title="+items[i].name+">"+items[i].name+"</a>&nbsp;";
return cat;