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View Full Version : Novice developer seeking help with new site!

02 Jan 2011, 04:53 AM
Hey webdevforums community! I have been messing around with websites on and off for a few years now. Basic html, php, content management systems such as drupal, wordpress and joomla. I am experienced with SQL and hold a job just writing queries.

Simply put, I am trying to build a contact list with people who have experience developing websites. I am hoping to be able to contact these people when I have a specific question or need advice.

Right now, I am renting a server from www.gatorhost.com . It seems to be a good service. Over the past few months when I have had some free time, I've been messing around with Drupal and Wordpress. Right now, I want to start developing my php, html and flash skills. There is so many different areas you can learn and I want to know them all!

My current project is a site with the domain http://www.eatour.net (catchy, right? :) ) . I am not quite sure what I intend to use the site for, but I do know that I want a user login and registration form. So thats what I have been working on. I've been reading tutorials on how to make them and I have a few 'half' made I guess. A flash+php one and a html+php one. But I need some help with them.. I will upload my files if anyone would kindly take the time to look them over.

If you are someone who wouldn't mind having a novice developer ask you questions now and then please provide your contact information. ( something faster than forum posts. such as aim or msn.) I will leave my contact information if anyone is interested in partnering up for this site. All for fun and to learn.

Feel free to throw me some ideas on what I should do with my site! I want a private website with access only granted to people that have met certain qualifications...


- Jeff

Skype: eatournet
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