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View Full Version : How do I specify which pages preload (I need an existing javascript to be edited)

03 Jan 2011, 01:21 PM
I'm using Dynamic Drive's "Reel Slideshow."
Link to DD's Reel Slideshow page (http://www.dynamicdrive.com/dynamicindex14/reelslideshow.htm)
Please see the code below.

My question is that I am running Wordpress, and the header.php file apparently needs to have this script. This makes every page on the site preload my images for one slideshow. If I don't include the DIV tags to put the slideshow on a page, I used to get a warning as shown here:

if (this.$wrapperdiv.length==0){ //if no wrapper DIV found
alert("Error: DIV with ID \""+setting.wrapperid+"\" not found on page.")
I did away with that by simply erasing the alert line. Now it just has if (this.$wra... and that's followed by a return line.

Finally, the possibly simple question
Could someone please help me by writing the code that would make the images load only for the index page? Index.php calls up the header.php file and then the body portion, so is there a way to make the script check what page is ultimately loading and only then preload images? Would this make the first page marginally slower?

/* Continuous Reel Slideshow
* Created: Aug 18th, 2010 by DynamicDrive.com. This notice must stay intact for usage
* Author: Dynamic Drive at http://www.dynamicdrive.com/
* Visit http://www.dynamicdrive.com/ for full source code


function reelslideshow(options){
var $=jQuery
this.setting={displaymode:{type:'auto', pause:2000, cycles:2, pauseonmouseover:true}, orientation:'h', persist:true, slideduration:500} //default settings
jQuery.extend(this.setting, options) //merge default settings with options
var curslide=(this.setting.persist)? reelslideshow.routines.getCookie("slider-"+this.setting.wrapperid) : 0
this.curslide=(curslide==null || curslide>this.setting.imagearray.length-1)? 0 : parseInt(curslide) //make sure curslide index is within bounds
this.animation_isrunning=false //variable to indicate whether an image is currently being slided in
this.posprop=(this.setting.orientation=="h")? "left" : "top"
var slideshow=this, setting=this.setting, preloadimages=[], slidesHTML=''
for (var i=0; i<setting.imagearray.length; i++){ //preload images
preloadimages[i]=new Image()
slidesHTML+=reelslideshow.routines.getSlideHTML(setting.imagearray[i], setting.dimensions[0]+'px', setting.dimensions[1]+'px', this.posprop)+'\n'
jQuery(function($){ //on document.ready
slideshow.init($, slidesHTML)
$(window).bind('unload', function(){ //on window onload
if (slideshow.setting.persist) //remember last shown slide's index?
reelslideshow.routines.setCookie("slider-"+setting.wrapperid, slideshow.curslide)


slide:function(nextslide, dir){ //possible values for dir: "left", "right", "top", or "down"
if (this.curslide==nextslide)
var slider=this
var nextslide_initialpos=this.setting.dimensions[(dir=="right"||dir=="left")? 0 : 1] * ((dir=="right"||dir=="down")? -1 : 1)
var curslide_finalpos=-nextslide_initialpos
var posprop=this.posprop
if (this.animation_isrunning!=null)
this.animation_isrunning=true //indicate animation is running
this.$imageslides.eq(dir=="left"||dir=="top"? nextslide : this.curslide).css("zIndex", ++this.zIndex) //increase zIndex of upcoming slide so it overlaps outgoing
this.$imageslides.eq(nextslide).css(reelslideshow.routines.createobj(['visibility', 'visible'], [posprop, nextslide_initialpos])) //show upcoming slide
.animate(reelslideshow.routines.createobj([posprop, 0]), this.setting.slideduration, function(){slider.animation_isrunning=false})
this.$imageslides.eq(this.curslide).animate(reelslideshow.routines.createobj([posprop, curslide_finalpos]), this.setting.slideduration, function(){jQuery(this).css("visibility", "hidden")}) //hide outgoing slide

navigate:function(keyword){ //keyword: "back" or "forth"
var dir=(keyword=="back")? (this.setting.orientation=="h"? "right" : "down") : (this.setting.orientation=="h"? "left" : "up")
var targetslide=(keyword=="back")? this.curslide-1 : this.curslide+1
targetslide=(targetslide<0)? this.$imageslides.length-1 : (targetslide>this.$imageslides.length-1)? 0 : targetslide //wrap around
if (this.animation_isrunning==false)
this.slide(targetslide, dir)

var slideshow=this
if (this.ismouseover){ //pause slideshow onmouseover
this.rotatetimer=setTimeout(function(){slideshow.rotate()}, this.setting.displaymode.pause)
var nextslide=(this.curslide<this.$imageslides.length-1)? this.curslide+1 : 0
this.slide(nextslide, this.posprop) //go to next slide, either to the left or upwards depending on setting.orientation setting
if (this.setting.displaymode.cycles==0 || this.curstep<this.maxsteps-1){
this.rotatetimer=setTimeout(function(){slideshow.rotate()}, this.setting.displaymode.pause)

init:function($, slidesHTML){
var slideshow=this, setting=this.setting
this.$wrapperdiv=$('#'+setting.wrapperid).css({position:'relative', visibility:'visible', overflow:'hidden', width:setting.dimensions[0], height:setting.dimensions[1]}) //main DIV
if (this.$wrapperdiv.length==0){ //if no wrapper DIV found
alert("Error: DIV with ID \""+setting.wrapperid+"\" not found on page.")
this.$imageslides.eq(this.curslide).css(reelslideshow.routines.createobj([this.posprop, 0])) //set current slide's CSS position (either "left" or "top") to 0
if (this.setting.displaymode.type=="auto"){ //auto slide mode?
this.maxsteps=this.setting.displaymode.cycles * this.$imageslides.length
if (this.setting.displaymode.pauseonmouseover){
this.rotatetimer=setTimeout(function(){slideshow.rotate()}, this.setting.displaymode.pause)



getSlideHTML:function(imgref, w, h, posprop){
var posstr=posprop+":"+((posprop=="left")? w : h)
var layerHTML=(imgref[1])? '<a href="'+imgref[1]+'" target="'+imgref[2]+'">' : '' //hyperlink slide?
layerHTML+='<img src="'+imgref[0]+'" style="border-width:0;" />'
layerHTML+=(imgref[1])? '</a>' : ''
return '<div class="slide" style="position:absolute;'+posstr+';width:'+w+';height:'+h+';text-align:center;">'
+'<div style="width:'+w+';height:'+h+';display:table-cell;vertical-align:middle;">'
+'</div></div>' //return HTML for this layer

var re=new RegExp(Name+"=[^;]+", "i"); //construct RE to search for target name/value pair
if (document.cookie.match(re)) //if cookie found
return document.cookie.match(re)[0].split("=")[1] //return its value
return null

setCookie:function(name, value){
document.cookie = name+"=" + value + ";path=/"

var obj={}
for (var i=0; i<arguments.length; i++){
return obj

Thanks a whole lot in advance! I'd really appreciate the help since I don't have any experience writing javascript. It would be a phenomenal help.