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View Full Version : Javascript/jquery being called from within actionscript 2.0

04 Jan 2011, 02:01 PM
So I have a header that has a menu button on it, when you click the menu button the header the header "pulls down" to reveal the menu choices with this code...

on(release) {

so below my header is a <div> that I need to move down with the header that pulls down so I used this...

function moveUp() {
margin-top: -250px
}, 1000 );

function moveDown() {
margin-top: -325px
}, 1000 );

The div below my header looks like this...

<div id="moveme" style="margin-top: -250px; width: 920px; height: 1000px; overflow: visible;">
but when I click on the menu button nothing happens with the div. I was able to use some really basic javascript to just move the div down and up but that looks terrible. I have tried other sytax's of the jquery code like

function moveDown() {
marginTop: "-325px"
}, 1000 );};
function moveDown() {
"margin-top": "+=-325px" }, 1000 );};
But nothing is working, I cannot get the animation to actually play, If I use the jquery the div will not move, if I use simple javascript it moves but not animates and looks terrible. Can anyone please help me out here, I am seriously losing my mind.
Thank you.