View Full Version : Lost x_x

05 Jan 2011, 05:56 AM
Well, i recently finished learning css using w3schools. I have also learned html/xhtml from there, however I still feel as if i do not understand either languages. If you asked me to write a html and document and style it with css i could, but when i see source codes for other websites my mind totally cant focus/understand any of it. What i have trouble especially with his nesting selectors. ( img.blah #dhd img ). It totally faks with my brain and then i totally fail to even understand the outcome of it, even though i know its so you dont have to rewrite the styles.--------ESPECIALLY when you have #wrapper, then later on you have #wraper p, but what the hell does that mean? only paragraphs with the wrapper id within the wrapper id are styled?____________Lastly divs...... I dont know when to use them, i dont know what to use them for. All i kinda understand is that it creates its own invisible border around its content (i think.)_________ sorry for cluster phone has no enter button... help xD

Iced Earth
05 Jan 2011, 07:17 PM
Don't worry about looking at code for huge sites...too much stuff there.

And you don't have any problem with selectors...you just described how to use them! Yes, #wrapper p would only change paragraphs in the wrapper.

You could also have:
#wrapper a span {}

Which would only change spans that have anchor tags.

DIVs...use div's for positioning things. Say for a website framework, you put a wrapper, and then inside that a header div...then UNDER that your content div, then below that your footer div.