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View Full Version : webpage distrorted after restore down

07 Jan 2011, 12:46 AM
I am trying to build a simple webpage. whenever I reduce the size of the browser window the image on the webpage also shifts from its original position. It just goes haywire when the window size is reduced. What should I do to prevent this from happening? This is happening both in firefox and ie8.

I am enclosing the source code here. the code related to the image is
<div class="margin"><img src="images/me1.jpg" class="left" height=300 width=300/></div></div>

The image is posted at the top right corner of the page. When the size reduces the image jumps to some arbitrary position.

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<h2>Electron <br><br>Spectroscopy Lab</h2>


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Our aim is to learn what is an <span class="fun">electron</span> and how it interacts with its environment in a material. The emphasis is on materials exhibiting interesting<span class="fun"> magnetism and superconductivity.</span> Electronic structure constitutes the microscopic origin of all material properties. A solid is a metal, semiconductor, insulator, superconductor or magnet is determined by the electronic interactions. Even the elastic and thermal properties depend on the<span class="fun"> electronic structure</span>.Thus, the knowledge of the behavior of electrons in a material will provide microscopic understanding of
material properties that has immence fundamental interest and one can do material engineering to fabricate new material of technological interests.



<div class="text">

We employ photoelectron spectroscopy to probe the electronic structure directly. In this technique, photons are used to excite the electrons from different energy levels. If the energy of the photoexcited electrons is sufficiently large, they are ejected through the sample surface and are detected by an efficient electron detectors. Depending on the energy of the excitation source and the detection process, the technique is named as XPS (x-ray photoemission spectroscopy), UPS (ultra-violet photoemission spectroscopy), ARPES (angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy), SRPES (spin-resolved photoemission spectroscopy) etc. We have set up all these facilities in our laboratory.

<p>To probe the coupling of electrons with other electrons, lattice etc, we employ High Resolution Electron Energy Loss Spectroscopy (HREELS).</p>

To obtain the electronic structure theoretically, we calculate the electronic band structure using Full potential linearized Augmented Plane Wave method (FLAPW). The electron electron Coulomb repulsion and spin-orbit coupling are considered in these calculations.<br>

The photoemission spectra are also analyzed using various model (multiband Hubbard model, Anderson Impurity model) calculations
that provide the detailed knowledge of the electronic structure and interaction parameters.<br>

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<h1>Current Research</h1>
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<h1>Lab News</h1>

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<div class="left_b"><span class="w">Thursday, Dec 30, 2010</span><br />
Had a good and deep look at the website.

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<div class="left_b"><span class="w">Tuesday, Jan 4, 2011</span><br />
This website is ready.

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