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View Full Version : Relatively new, starting a new learning experience.

08 Jan 2011, 11:44 PM
Hello, I'm relatively new to the world of web development and design and I need just a tad bit of help. I'd like to create a website that I guess would be similar to a CMS. The best example that I can find would be this (http://www.enchantedhogwarts.net/index.php). I want a navigation panel on either side, with links leading to either regular, simple info pages, rules pages, etc. and others that link to specific forum categories. I would like to start the the PHP Forum base provided here (http://phpsquad.net/index.php?act=sources#), but I'm having a bit of a trouble. The reason I'm choosing to start with a custom forum in the first place is that this one was created by another developer, who doesn't happen to be perfect, professional, or 100% accurate. My goal in this project is to learn things along the way, fix already made errors (if any), and just all around have a good time making it.

The only issue with this base is that it has things that already contradict my current idea, and I don't really know how to get rid of them. I'd like to start with a news system in the center and navigation bars on the left side. The navigation bar would include the "welcome back, *USER*, login, register, etc things that are all at the top of the PHP Forum base. I then want to get rid of the part of the code that displays the name and link of the forum category/subcategory. I'm really just confused on the layout of the page itself. Once there is a navigation bar on the left side along with a news system in the center (which I can make/add on my own), I think I'll be able to continue on my own from there.

Is there anybody that can help me with this?