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View Full Version : Integrate a blog/news feed into a website

09 Jan 2011, 09:44 PM

I am designing a website that wants a blog/news feed integrated into the homepage. Ideally people would be able to log in to a module (like Wordpress) and post news updates. I'm wondering what is the best way to go about building a website that accommodates a blog/news feed.

Should I use Wordpress to build the whole site? Or is that too limiting? Should I build the site in PHP and the integrate a wordpress blog onto the homepage? If so, can someone direct me to a tutorial that explains how to do this?

In general, how difficult is this to accomplish?


12 Jan 2011, 05:15 AM
If you're going to blog, I'd go for wordpress. What we have done is set up a wordpress blog, create a feedburner RSS feed for it, and load that on our frontpage using e.g. a jquery rss plugin. You could do the same with a little bit of PHP as well. Loop over the RSS feed and print the articles you want on your frontpage.