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View Full Version : JQUERY Rotating Wheel - Need someone who knows their programming $$

11 Jan 2011, 03:44 AM
Hi guys,

I found this cool rotating wheel code here



I'm a designer so I did all the design for a little webapp I made for the iPAD then got a freelance programmer to implement this wheel into a site.

So far it's 90% done and all working but we've hit a point where we can't figure out how to fine tune the wheel and the site and my freelancer guy is a student so it's a bit beyond him.


I'm looking for someone who understands that link I sent and knows their html/css/php/jquery and can help me finalize this site.

One of the main problems I have is that, if you look at that wheel on a iphone or ipad you'll notice when it loads - the SLICES of the wheel come together

So with my one something is wrong and sometimes it just freezes/crashes and the wheel doesn't load

I got in contact with the programmer who made this as I wanted his help but he was way too expensive.

He gave me the following advice though which doesn't make any sense to me as I'm not a programmer -

"You have to play a bit with the load "event". Hide the wheel while
loading and show it up only when the page is ready (maybe with a
"loading" overlaying div)."


Is there someone out there who can help me out? Obviously will pay something

I should note also we don't have an in-house programmer and I'm looking for someone who knows their stuff and I can come back and forth to in the future coz in the next 3 months I have quite a few projects planned.

Lemme' know
