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View Full Version : Unable to get the document object for the main page of certain sites in Opera

18 Jan 2011, 06:07 AM
We are building an opera extension in which we are trying to use the document object property (document.body.innerHTML) in order to obtain the source of the main page of a site. In most cases it provides us with the correct page source but for certain sites (ones that have multiple document layers), it doesn't return the top most document.

For instance, for the site (https://www.pcisecuritystandards.org/) we would like to source for the main page that is displayed but
once the entire page is loaded, the document property would display the source for another layer (https://s7.addthis.com/static/r07/sh29.html#cb=0&ab=-&dh=www.pcisecuritystandards.org&dr=&du=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.pcisecuritystandards.org%2F&dt=Official%20PCI%20Security%20Standards%20Council%20Site%20-%20Verify%20PCI%20Compliance%2C%20Download%20Data%20Security%20and%20Credit%20Card%20Security%20Stan dards&inst=1&lng=en&pc=men&pub=&ssl=1&sid=4d2ee1f94278e71b&srd=1&srf=0.02&srp=0.2&srx=0&ver=250&xck=0&rev=86981&xd=1)

This perhaps has to do with how opera loads the document layers in a page. We did not face any issue with any other browser

How can we obtain the source of the main page (https://www.pcisecuritystandards.org/) using the document object in Opera ?