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View Full Version : domTT problems

25 Jan 2011, 05:16 AM
here is the source my page displays, minus some private and unimportant information:

<script TYPE="text/javascript">
var downStrokeField;
function autojump(fieldName,nextFieldName,fakeMaxLength)
var myForm=document.forms[document.forms.length - 1];
var myField=myForm.elements[fieldName];
if (myField.maxLength == null)
function autojump_keyDown()
function autojump_keyUp()
if (
(this == downStrokeField) &&
(this.value.length > this.beforeLength) &&
(this.value.length >= this.maxLength)
<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript">
var domTT_styleClass = 'domTTOverlib';
var domTT_maxWidth = false;
var winCloseButton = document.createElement('img');
winCloseButton.src = './images/close.png'
winCloseButton.style.verticalAlign = 'bottom';
// permission denied
catch (e)
var winCloseButton = 'X';
<style type='text/css' media='print'>
display : none
color: #000000;
background-color: #FFFFFF;
body a:link
color: #000000;
body a:visited
color: #000000;
body a:hover
color: #000000;
body a:active
color: #000000;

@import url("./css/frame.css");
@import url("./css/ratingSystem.css");
<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript" src="./js/domTT.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript" src="./js/CursorFinder.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript" src="./js/domLib.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript" src="./js/alphaAPI.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript" src="./js/domTT_drag.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript" src="./js/fadomatic.js"></script>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">

<body bgcolor=#000000 text=#FFFF00 alink=#FFFFFF hlink=#FFFFFF link=#FFFFFF vlink=#FFFFFF><center>
<script type="text/javascript">
if(window.location != "****") window.location = "****" //-->
<table border=0 width=920>
<tr height=85>
<td valign=center align=center width=20%>Welcome Back,<br>****<br><a href="logout.php">
Log Out</a></td>
<td valign=center align=center width=20%><a href="#void" onclick="return makeFalse(domTT_activate(this, event, 'id', 'cust', 'caption', 'Add Customer', 'content', '&lt;iframe src=&quot;addCust.php&quot; style=&quot;width: 700px; height: 575px;&quot;&gt;&lt;/iframe&gt;', 'type', 'sticky', 'styleClass', 'domTTWin', 'closeLink', winCloseButton, 'draggable', true, 'closeAction', 'destroy'));">
Add Customer</a></td>
<hr><br><script type="text/javascript" language="javascript">
var domTT_styleClass = 'RSTitle';
</script><form method=post>

<table border="0" width="425">


<td width="20%"><img alt="" src="./images/4.png" onmouseover='domTT_activate(this, event, "content", "****<br>Marked As: Good<hr>****", "styleClass", "RSTitle", "trail", "true");'></td>

<td width="40%">152</td>

<td width="20%">****</td>

<td width="40%"><input type="submit" name="btnChangeCustomer" value="Change"></td>


I checked that I am correctly locating the JavaScript and CSS Files

after I edited some code on this page, none of the DomTT is working, and I have not edited any of the domTT scripts or calls.
all the code left out and replaced with *unimportant* was links and forms and **** was another person's (or my) private information

I'm trying to find where I went wrong, even when I uploaded the code from right before this change it still did not work

if you need more of the code or for me to give a link to a "demo" page just ask and I'll post as much as I can.

This whole page is written primarily in php, again feel free to ask for more code, just do be aware that I cannot give out all the code and must comment some out.

Any help, advice, or POSITIVE criticism is welcome and appreciated.

26 Jan 2011, 07:32 AM
you say the page was written in php, but you've posted the resulting html code. Plus you want to know why the domTT script isn't working, but you didn't provide the domTT.js file. On the code you posted, you have a couple variables that aren't being used (var domTT_styleClass = 'domTTOverlib';
var domTT_maxWidth = false;
var domTT_styleClass = 'RSTitle';

Maybe their used in the .js file, but since we don't have it, we cant' see it.

You're code looks fine on first glance, but to find out the problem, we are going to need the php file and the js file for domTT.js