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View Full Version : Need Advice from the pro's on how to protect my concept.

29 Jan 2011, 01:26 PM
I want to protect my niche Idea, and insure that my web-designer is prohibited once the site is completed with a confidentiality agreement.

I want the company to sign a document that outlines that they will be extensively sued if any part of my Idea is mimicked or disclosed.

What is the best way I can protect myself.

This will be my first site, and help is greatly appreciated, If you have a template please email it to me, and any advice.

( Has anyone had any bad experience with this ?, and now having the experience how would you have protected yourself ? )

Again, thank you for your time.


29 Jan 2011, 01:37 PM
Sounds like you are talking about a non-compete agreement: http://www.google.com/search?sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8&q=non-compete+agreement+template

You could also get a non-disclosure agreement which would stop the company from revealing details of the project.

Honestly though, non-compete agreements are a waste of time generally speaking. You may stop the company you have employed from making a competing product but they would only be restricted for a short amount of time. Maybe a year. The fact is if you have a good idea it be a matter of weeks before people create cheap software which clones your sites functionality.

Ultimately an idea is only worth something if you can develop it. Until that day it isn't worth anything.