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02 Feb 2011, 04:19 PM

include_once "inc/mscon.php";
mysql_select_db("zfyl", $ddcon);
$result = mysql_query("SELECT nik,pas FROM 'zfyl' WHERE nik = '".$_POST["nik"]."'", $ddcon);
if (!$result) {
echo 'Could not run query: ' . mysql_error();
$row = mysql_fetch_row($result);

$nikr = $row[0];
$pasr = $row[1];

if($_POST["pas"] == $pasr){
echo "Your Pass:".$pasr;
echo "Your Nick:".$nikr;


echo "Your Pass:".$pasr;
echo "Your Nick:".$nikr;



my problem in this script becouse it is dont work and write next

not selected databasae

for helping in undestand here the register form too

include_once "inc/mscon.php";


//Create table
mysql_select_db("d2zfyl", $ddcon);

mysql_query("INSERT INTO zfyl
(nik, pas)
VALUES (".$na.", ".$p98.")",$ddcon);

echo "You succefully created the account. Your NICK NAME: ".$na." PASSWORD: ".$p98."";


03 Feb 2011, 04:26 PM
What is the actual error that you are getting. You should check you are actually connecting to your database. You can then check your queries by doing this.

mysql_query('..') or die(mysql_error());

That will flag up errors with specific queries.