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View Full Version : Building a portfolio... but running into a problem

13 Feb 2011, 07:01 AM
Hi! I am building a website as a portfolio, so it's a very simple and clean look. Anyway, I've been running into an issue. I am using the SimpleViewer gallery because the layout of it fits exactly what I want like this:

HOWEVER, I am using a horizontal table code for my nav, and I had to align it right on top of gallery by using top: 4.5%; in my code for it and my gallery is at top:15%;
So although it fits perfectly on my screen, I've come to the realization that on different resolutions, the gallery will become either too far away from the nav or it'll completely cover it. Basically - it changes. :(

How would I go about fixing this?


13 Feb 2011, 04:01 PM
Include the code for the gallery and the NAV in a single table; or define a new style to align the nav to the right and link to it within the page. Or you could just use the div command within the page itself, but that doesn't seem to agree with W3C.