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View Full Version : Unusual web design questions..

17 Feb 2011, 12:38 PM
In my personal site I play with all sorts of unusual ways to do things. They may not be the best way to do some things but I don't automatically have the end result answers without trying things. You have to learn about your tools and don't take emotional responses or by the book answers, from ego geeks. There are many ways to do things and many things are not knowns because no one has tried it. In forums, I learn and so do the people who read them. If you don't ask, you will never know. So the formalities over with....

I have a website that is a single background page and I use php includes and javascript menus to pull in the other pages layouts (mainly the stuff thats on top of the background). It actually works pretty well. I have a portfolio with many examples of galleries in it. Some are jquery/js based and an occasional flash (Apple killed the extensive use of that). The problem is that some of the js files use overlaping code where one lib messes up another. So I'm trying to solve that issue. Ideally I'd like to pull in all of the pieces independently at time of use: including scripts, css and the layout. The issue is the css doesnt like to be used that way, it wants to be there on page open and left alone (talking about pulling in css stylesheets), the scripts seem to work that way ok (not absolutely sure they all will).

Has anyone played with this sort of layout? any tricks to do this?

I know of one answer and that is using php building pages dynamically and feeding the head, body, etc with layout pages where the sections are defined with tags. Not ready to completely redesign but its a cool way to handle it.

Any non emotional, judging ideas out there?