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View Full Version : PHPBB Forum vote/report user...

24 Feb 2011, 08:17 AM
I have a phpbb forum and would like to add a voting system for the user. Ideally this would be for other users to vote on a user and depending on how many votes the user would be reviewed and/or banned. I need something like this to keep users from continuously posting false information. The forum is a stock forum I'm putting together - keep from posting false/misleading info & bashing/pumping a stock. If x amount of users vote to have the member removed from the board, the user will get reviewed and removed. Is this possible?

24 Feb 2011, 08:44 AM
Anything is possible, you just need to make it. I don't think there are too many phpbb administrators here. Your best bet would be to ask on the phpbb forum if something already exists. Failing that pay someone to make it.