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View Full Version : Norton Approved???

07 Mar 2011, 09:17 AM
OK, so this is the first time I'm hearing this...but what is this Norton Approved stuff? I just had a client call me asking why their site wasn't "Norton Approved" and if that meant there was spyware on the site. I had never heard of this before, but apparently, users of Norton will see a gray bar at the top of any website that isn't Norton Approved, telling them that the site isn't Norton approved and may be unsafe. There are steps I need to now take to get that removed. What is this about? Can anyone give me more information? Does McAfee have something like this? What about other virus programs?

07 Mar 2011, 09:42 AM
Judging by this grey means untested which makes sense, it just means norton hasn't tested the site yet:


See here for how to get it approved.
