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View Full Version : Email form with Captcha

10 Mar 2011, 06:07 PM
I know HTML and CSS pretty good, but i dont know php and js hardly at all. I have been trying to setup a good email form with captcha. I found this free one that seems really good BUT i cant get it you work if i sub folder it on my web server. I have like 50 Realtors and i need them each to have their own email form.

I have a page called /realtors.html in the root of my server
I want to be able to have the email form in sub folders ie:

heres the email form im trying to use http://www.html-form-guide.com/contact-form/html-contact-form-captcha.html

If anyone knows what i need to change for it to work in a sub folder that would be great! Im guessing the paths need changed but i tried that as well as i could and still cant get it to work.