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View Full Version : Starting assisting on company's website - really like it and want to do it fulltime

11 Mar 2011, 03:10 PM
This is my first post. Glad to be a new member of this website.

I currently work for a financial institution in nyc and help maintain our website. I was initially put on a project in mid 2010 to help rebuild our department’s website and had no experience at all. I started to take a few classes that a tech-teaching firm was offering in nyc and I really enjoyed it a lot. For my company’s website I basically help with the html coding and css updates when need be. I really enjoy when I get to update our website but that is not my full time job. I would really love to find a full time job doing this somewhere, but don’t want to go the freelance route. I have a good understanding of html, css but feel like I can always improve. I also have a basic understanding of jquery.

I am always willing to learn/improve if I can find a job that will help me learn while I am assisting with the website upkeep. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Trying to get my foot in the door some how.

26 Mar 2011, 09:25 PM
you can get fulltime work if you first want to go for site like odesk.com / elance.com
from freelance you can be offered online fulltime job.
goodluck for you :)