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View Full Version : Where can I find a Jquery script similar to this?

18 Mar 2011, 09:13 AM
I am looking for a jquery script I can install in my website that looks similar to this site under Work:

What I really want is two rows of thumbnails on the left side. When you click on the thumbnail, you get a bigger picture on the right side with a section below where you can talk about the work. Then there is a Previous and Next button on the left and right side of the bigger preview picture where you can click through other examples of that specific job, like in the website I linked to.

Does anyone know of a script like that or where I can find something similar?

Thanks in advance.

19 Mar 2011, 05:58 AM
You can check this one: http://coffeescripter.com/code/ad-gallery/. You have to change it to display the thumbs on 2 rows. I think you can do it changing only the css style.