View Full Version : Designing Quality Infographics: Tips, Resources and Inspiration

22 Mar 2011, 02:27 AM
Infographics are graphic visual representations of data and information. They come in extremely handy when you need to explain complex information, numbers or data rather quickly and effectively. Infographics are used worldwide from magazines to metro stations. A great infographic can render complicated information easily understandable and engrossing. However, infographics can be pretty hard to design since you have to gather together a lot of information and make it look good. In this article you’ll find some tips for designing outstanding infographics as well as some resources and inspiration.

Info graphics Tips and Resources (http://www.1stwebdesigner.com/inspiration/infographics-tips-resources/)
Web Design Resources (http://wdshare.com/)

29 Mar 2011, 06:00 AM
Good infographics are not only informative, but also help you digest huge amount of data otherwise impossible to grasp. When infographics are well designed they make dull raw data interesting enough to make the reader become involved and even entertained. Producing such imagery is labor intensive and requires extreme attention to detail.

p.s. Check out my infographics (http://www.infographicstock.com/)