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View Full Version : Javascript redirects to google

26 Mar 2011, 08:26 AM
Hi, i have come across an issue on a friends website and was looking for some advice to try and resolve this.

A friend of mine had his website designed a while back and was looking for me to make some changes, but I have ran into a few issues in viewing this website.

I have checked his code and come across the following javascript:


but not too sure what this does? any ideas anyone?

when i leave this in his code the website redirects straight to google when i am trying to view this on my localhost. i did some searching and came across a newer version jquery-1.5.1.min.js and when i change it to this then i can view the website but the page does not display correctly on Internet Explorer but shows up when viewing my localhost in Opera.

Could this have something to do with the stylesheet?

any help or advice would be really appreciated, thanks in advance.

26 Mar 2011, 09:08 AM
The file is the jquery 'framework' file (min version) and should not be affected by the CSS file. Why don't you speak to the original designer and see what they say?