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View Full Version : A newbies cry for help!

26 Mar 2011, 11:14 AM
Hi everybody, my name is Alexander, and I am new to website scripting, but I have an idea stuck in my head;

You enter a website...

On the main site, there would be a lot of different polls from different categories to answer.

Lets say you choose a poll from category 1 - the question in the poll is: What is 5 times 2? You get different options, and you choose the answer from those multiple options to be = 10.

Now, in your time on the site, you have answered questions in category 1 correctly 81% of the time.

Therefore, your vote is counted as 1 vote times 81% = 0,81.

Now, when a lot of people have answered, you should get that the highest number of accumulated points should go to the answer = 10.


So the idea is to have a site where you have to login to answer the polls, and where your answer will count differently, depending on how high a propability you have of answering correctly.

Through very simple statistics you could, statisticly, predict which answer is the most correct one.

What would the scripting look like for the polls and which user-interface would you combine it with?


A tall order, Alexander C. Harrington